
2022-4-27 Info
  • Info
About 7 min

Grant griefdefender.user.* to your players and both griefdefender.user.* and griefdefender.admin.* to your staff/admins then deny permissions you do NOT want.



If you do NOT grant the permission nodes above and instead grant singular permission nodes, you will not be supported as this goes against our recommendation.
If you alter any admin permissions while in-game, make sure you run /gdreload as GD caches various permissions for performance gains.
Wildcard permission * is currently not supported. Use griefdefender.user.* and griefdefender.admin.* for admins instead.

As GD makes heavy use of LP's default group, the following MUST be setup properly or GD will not function properly

  • All non-griefdefender LP groups have a path in inheritance to the default group.
  • The default group is inheriting GD's delivered groups : griefdefender_claim, griefdefender_default, griefdefender_definition, griefdefender_option, griefdefender_override
  • The default group is NOT disabled. LP strongly recommends to never disable this group.


# User Permissions

# Claims

Permission Node Description
griefdefender.user.claim.command.abandon.basic Allows to abandon basic claims Allows to abandon town claims
griefdefender.user.claim.command.abandon-all Allows to abandon all claims
griefdefender.user.claim.command.abandon-top-level Allows to abandon a claim and all its subdivisions
griefdefender.user.claim.command.basic-mode Allows to use basic claim shovel mode Allows to use claim bank Allows to buy a claim (Requires economy plugin) Allows to buy claim blocks (Requires economy plugin) Allows to check/pay tax balance
griefdefender.user.claim.command.contract Allows to contract(shrink) a claim in a direction
griefdefender.user.claim.command.cuboid Allows to toggle cuboid claims mode
griefdefender.user.claim.command.expand Allows to expand a claim in a direction
griefdefender.user.claim.command.farewell Allows to set a claim farewell
griefdefender.user.claim.command.give.blocks Allows to give claim blocks to another player Allows a player to give away a pet they tamed
griefdefender.user.claim.command.greeting Allows to set a claim greeting Allows to get information about others claims Allows to get information about claims Allows a user to use the teleport feature in claiminfo on other claims Allows a user to use the teleport feature in claiminfo
griefdefender.user.claim.command.inherit Allows to toggle inheritance from parent claim
griefdefender.user.claim.command.list.base Allows to list your claims
griefdefender.user.claim.command.list.others Allows to list other players claims
griefdefender.user.claim.command.list-flags Allows to list claim flags Allows to set a claimname
griefdefender.user.claim.command.sell Allows to sell a claim (Requires economy plugin)
griefdefender.user.claim.command.sell-blocks Allows to sell claim blocks (Requires economy plugin)
griefdefender.user.claim.command.set-spawn Allows to set claim spawn
griefdefender.user.claim.command.spawn Allows to use claim spawn
griefdefender.user.claim.command.subdivide-mode Allows to use subdivide shovel mode Allows to use town shovel mode
griefdefender.user.claim.command.transfer Allows to transfer own claims
griefdefender.user.claim.command.trapped Teleports the player to a safe location if stuck and unable to build
griefdefender.user.claim.command.unlock-drops Allows other players to pickup any items dropped from death
griefdefender.user.claim.command.worldedit-claim Allows to use a worldedit selection to create a claim.
griefdefender.user.claim.create.base Allows to create a basic claim
griefdefender.user.claim.create.basic Allows to create/resize basic claims
griefdefender.user.claim.create.subdivision Allows to create/resize subdivision claims Allows to create/resize town claims
griefdefender.user.claim.create.cuboid.basic Allows to create/resize basic claims in 3D mode
griefdefender.user.claim.create.cuboid.subdivision Allows to create/resize subdivision claims in 3D mode Allows to create/resize town claims in 3D mode
griefdefender.user.claim.resize Allows to resize claims Allows to see claim tutorial text when creating/resizing claims
griefdefender.user.claim.list.other Allows to list other player claims
griefdefender.user.claim.visualize.base Allows player to visualize their claims
griefdefender.user.claim.visualize.nearby Allows player to visualize nearby claims Allows to get information about self Allows to get information about another player
griefdefender.user.command.version Allows to get information about GD, server and LP versions Allows to get information about town claims Allows to get information about others town claims Allows to set a town claimname Allows to set the tag of your town

# Flags

Permission Node Description
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.flag.arg Allows to use the claimflag command with command line arguments
griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.base Allows to use the claimflag command
griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.gui Allows to use the claimflag command GUI
griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.debug Allows to toggle claim flag debug mode
griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.player Allows to use the claimflag for players command Allows to use the claimflag for groups command
griefdefender.user.claim.command.flag.reset Allows to use the claimreset command
griefdefender.user.claim.flag Base permission used to check if user has access to use a specific core flag.
The format is griefdefender.user.claim.flag.<flag_name>.
Note: This is checked when accessing the flag ADVANCED GUI section and when using the flag command with arguments.
Note: The flag name is not to be confused with a definition flag name. This checks for GD's core flags. The list can be found here (opens new window)

# Flag Definitions

Permission Node Description
griefdefender.admin.custom.flag Base permission used to check if user has access to a specific admin flag definition.
The format is griefdefender.admin.custom.flag.<group>.<definition_flag_name>.
Note: By default, this manages the delivered admin group which is mapped to the ADMIN tab.
griefdefender.user.custom.flag Base permission used to check if user has access to a specific user flag definition.
The format is griefdefender.user.custom.flag.<group>.<definition_flag_name>.
Note: By default, this manages the delivered user group which is mapped to the USER tab.

*See Flag Definitions GUI (opens new window) for information on how to manage the flag GUI for both users and admins.

# Options

Permission Node Description
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.option.base Allows to use the claimoption command Allows to set group options in claims
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.option.player Allows to set player options in claims
griefdefender.admin.claim.option Allows to set options in claims Allows owners to fly in their own claim Allows users to fly in claims where they have accessor trust Allows users to fly in claims where they have builder trust Allows users to fly in claims where they have container trust Allows users to fly in claims where they have manager trust

# Trust

Permission Node Description Allows to grant group trust Allows to grant player trust Allows to list trusted players Allows to grant group trust to all claims
griefdefender.user.claim.command.trustall.player Allows to grant player trust to all claims Allows to revoke group trust
griefdefender.user.claim.command.untrust.player Allows to revoke player trust Allows to revoke group trust to all claims
griefdefender.user.claim.command.untrustall.player Allows to revoke player trust to all claims Allows to add accessors Allows to add containers Allows to add builders Allows to add managers Allows to untrust players

# Admin Permissions

Permission Node Description
griefdefender.advanced.admin.flags Allows usage of advanced mode in flag GUI
griefdefender.admin.bypass.ban Allows bypass of bans
griefdefender.admin.bypass.border-check Allows bypass of claim border checks
griefdefender.admin.bypass.option Allows bypass of options
griefdefender.admin.bypass.override.resize Allows bypass of claim resize restrictions
griefdefender.admin.bypass.override.limit Allows bypass of claim creation limit restrictions
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.adjust-claim-blocks Allows to edit amount of bonus claim blocks
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.admin-mode Allows to use admin claim shovel mode
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.ban Allows to ban or unban an item, block, or entity id from all usage
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.clear Allows to clear entities within one or more claims
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.schematic Allows to manage claim schematics
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.debug Allows to use GDdebug
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.delete.base Allows to use the deleteclaim command
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.delete.basic Allows to delete basic claims
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.delete.admin Allows to delete admin claims
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.delete-claims Allows to delete all of another player's claims
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.ignore.base Allows to use the ignore claims command
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.ignore.basic Allows to ignore basic claim flags
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.ignore.admin Allows to ignore admin claim flags Allows to ignore town claim flags
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.ignore.wilderness Allows to ignore wilderness claim flags
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.permission-group Allows to use the claim command for group permissions
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.permission-player Allows to use the claim command for player permissions
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.reserve-name Allows to reserve claim names
griefdefender.admin.claim.cuboid Allows to create/resize admin claims in 3D mode
griefdefender.admin.claim.list.admin Allows to list admin claims Allows to manage global options
griefdefender.admin.claim.resize Allows to resize claims
griefdefender.admin.claim.resize.admin Allows to resize admin claims
griefdefender.admin.claim.resize.admin.subdivision Allows to resize admin claim subdivisions
griefdefender.admin.claim.resize.basic Allows to resize basic claims
griefdefender.admin.claim.resize.basic.subdivision Allows to resize basic claim subdivisions Allows to resize town claims
griefdefender.admin.claim.set-admin-flags Allows to edit flags in an admin claim
griefdefender.admin.claim.use-reserved-names Allows to use reserved claim names
griefdefender.admin.claim.wilderness Allows to edit wilderness claims
griefdefender.admin.command.delete-admin-claims Allows to delete all admin claims
griefdefender.admin.command.reload Allows to reload GP
griefdefender.admin.command.restore-claim.base Allows to restore claim to its natural state
griefdefender.admin.command.restore-nature.base Allows to switch shovel tool to restoration mode.
griefdefender.admin.command.set-accrued-claim-blocks Allows to edit amount of accrued claim blocks
griefdefender.admin.custom.flag Allows to use advanced claim flags in GUI
griefdefender.admin.flag-defaults Allows to edit flag defaults
griefdefender.admin.flag-overrides Allows to edit flag overrides

# Options

Permission Node Description Allows to set group options in claims
griefdefender.admin.claim.command.option.player.base Allows to set player options in claims

# Misc

Permission Node Description Allows to you the view the help Allows to record chat in command GUI's
griefdefender.login.inventory-gui Sets user or group to use the Inventory GUI on login