2022-4-27 Conf
  • PVP
Less than 1 minute

GriefDefender has the ability to control PvP globally, per user/group, or per claim.

Here are a few examples on how to configure PvP
Note: These examples assume a clean installation with no modified settings.

# Disable PvP on server

To disable PvP on server, open server.properties and set pvp to false (On Sponge, set PVP to false in the Sponge config).

# Disable PvP globally except specific claims

  1. Open presets/minecraft.conf in the GD config directory.
  2. Change default-value=true to default-value=false under the pvp definition
  3. Toggle the pvp definition to true in claims where pvp is wanted
  4. Optional: Move the pvp flag definition from USER to ADMIN in minecraft.conf
  5. /gdreload

# Disable PvP for a specific player

  1. Run command /cfp <player> entity-damage player false context[source=player, override=global]

# Disable PvP for a specific group of users

  1. Run command /cfg <group> entity-damage player false context[source=player, override=global]

# Allow PvP globally except specific claims

If you want to allow users to enable/disable PvP then have them do the following

  1. Run command /cf to launch flag GUI.
  2. Make sure PRESET USER tab is selected.
  3. Toggle pvp to false.

# Allow users to configure PvP as they wish

  1. Run command /cf to launch flag GUI.
  2. Make sure PRESET USER tab is selected.
  3. Toggle pvp to false or true.